Nutrition, both intake and feed quality, has a major impact on productivity, determining reproductive performance, animal health, weaner live weight gain and timing of venison supply.
Weaning is the physical separation of calves from the hinds so that the calves are no longer dependent on their mothers for food (milk) and security.

Feed sources
Feeding sources can be broken into crops, pasture based systems, or supplementary feed systems.
Feeding deer
When, what and how much should I feed to assist with conception rates and weight gain? Find out more in this section.

Non-GM feed for Cervena deer
Discerning consumers and top chefs pay premium prices for our Cervena venison because as well as being a great eating experience, it comes from deer grazed on the ‘fresh, clean, natural farmlands of New Zealand’.

Forage rotation planner
When grass isn’t enough to provide your deer nutrition expectations, crops and forages can fill nutrition gaps. Planning your forage rotations can take a bit of work, so here’s a wall chart that might help.
Feeding tools
Unleash the genetic potential of your deer by giving them the feed they need. These tools will help you plan your feed programme, monitor growth and compare costs.