
Issue 196 | February 2024

Feb 9, 2024

Issue 196 | February 2024




The 2024 Deer Industry Conference is heading to the beautiful Hawke's Bay on the 8-9th May 2024.

The programme and speaker details are being finalised but we will have a full conference programme on Wednesday 8th May followed by the annual awards dinner that evening. The Hawkes Bay Branch NZDFA are organising a field day for Thursday 9th of May. 

Registrations opening soon!

Details will be updated at >>


Executive Committee Update

Executive Committee member Jamie Ward reflects on the last couple of months including the stag sales, resignation of DINZ CEO Innes Moffat and upcoming nominations for industry positions.

What’s been happening around the country?

Producer Manager Lindsay Fung’s update - the Executive Committee down south, events and meetings around the country.

Mature and Heavy Stag Opportunities

Executive Committee member Mark McCoard talks us through a recent NZDFA collaboration with chef Tyson Burrows to utilise mature and heavy stag venison.

Keen to shape the industry's future?

There are four NZDFA appointed positions up for nomination as they become available by rotation (appointment by nomination and election, if necessary), and one producer representative to the Deer Industry New Zealand (DINZ) board.

Recap: February velvet comps

Two competitions were held on the weekend: Central Regions/Taihape Ruapehu and the Elk Wapiti Society NZ. Here's how they went.


- 2024 Awards and Competitions
Rising Stars missing trophies
- Thank you to our 2024 conference sponsors
- Heartfelt thanks for your support in tough times - Kaipara Branch NZDFA
- Trophy antler workshop in December
- Deer Industry NZ Prize at Smedley Station prizegiving

- Production feature: Transporting Deer
- Classifieds
- NIWA and MPI drought forecasting tool
- MetService Outlook February 2024
- Joke of the Month


Reimagining a low emissions future: workshops in Northland and Southland
- CK Import Export Rising Stars, 9 March 2024, Te Awamutu
- 2024 Deer Industry Conference, 8-9 May, Hawke's Bay

If you or your NZDFA branch have recently held any deer farming events or have a story that you'd like to share, please feel free to contact DFA Stagline with details and we will aim to publish them in the next issue.
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