
P2P Big Deer Tour 2022 | Issue 177

May 5, 2022

Deer Industry NZ lead another Big Deer Tour which took place from the 19 to 22 April 2022. 8 university students were selected for a tour of our industry.

To see a report of the week from participant Megan Ross, click here >> 

Deer Industry New Zealand would like to thank the following industry partners and deer farmers for their contribution during the week and for agreeing to host the group;

  • Ross Chambers and Edmund Noonan, Provelco, Christchurch
  • Simon Wakefield, Deer Milking Ltd, Mt Somers
  • Tom Macfarlane and Charlie Johns, Melior Venison, Fairlie
  • Hamish Orbell, Clayton Station, Fairlie
  • South Canterbury / North Otago Deer Farmers Association Branch Committee
  • Barry Parsons, Latitude Trading Co., Timaru
  • Simon Glennie and Megan McCall Abacusbio Ltd, Dunedin
  • Brent McKenzie, Kinvara Farm, Middemarch
  • Duncan Venison NZ
  • AgResearch Invermay
  • Silver Fern Farms, Dunedin

This tour was produced as part of the Passion2Profit programme, a Primary Growth Partnership co-funded by Deer Industry New Zealand and the Ministry for Primary Industries.

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