
Candidate Profiles: DINZ Board | Issue 188

May 5, 2023

Four candidates are vying for one position on the DINZ Board and will be interviewed by the NZDFA Selection and Appointments Panel (SAP) in early June. They have a chance to address the NZDFA at the AGM next week but you can also read their profiles here.

Candidate Statements


With experience in deer farming both in NZ and overseas, working as a farm consultant in New Zealand, facilitating an advanced party, achieved the DINZ board observer role in 2022, and being the operations manager for Westview Farming Partnership I believe I have the relevant background for this board position.

Westview Farm is an equity partnership running sheep, beef, deer, dairy and forestry. I am passionate to see the deer component of our business grow because I believe in the long-term future of our industry. I am strategy driven and I believe that decisions made today need to further benefit the future as well as solving the issues as hand.

I will be a voice for deer farmers current and future. I want to see transparency and unity throughout our industry as we rebuild numbers, thrive with passion and retain our standing as a forward-thinking adaptive deer industry.

Nominated Michael Humphrey, Seconded Tony Gray



Haldon Station, Mackenzie Basin

I have had forty plus years in the Deer Industry, right from capture days through to the stable venison/velvet enterprise that we are running at Haldon Station now.

Being very passionate about the whole Deer Industry I have dedicated the majority of my working life to helping strengthen its existence.

I have been part of the P2P programme since its inception and for many years represented the DFA on the SAP, the NVSB and Ospri Stakeholders committees.

If I am lucky enough to be elected to the DINZ board, I will strive to ensure that the farmer/producer viewpoint is well represented around the board table.

As a producer, I believe we need full accountability and transparency of all dollars spent, back to the levy paying farmer. This will help drive our Industry forward creating a feeling of ownership and belonging.

I believe we have well balanced board but need to ensure the producer continues to be well represented and informed by aligning ourselves with those empowered to market our product away from commodity foods into more high value niche type markets.

Nominated David Stevens, Seconded Kelly Bennett



Nicky and I have farmed at Wakare, in the Mid Canterbury foothills since 2008. We were on a small flat farm with no deer for 5 years prior to that having immigrated in 2003. We have 4 adult sons, with our youngest, Hamish, having joined us on farm in the last 18 months.

I have been a member, since their inception of 2 advance groups funded through the P2P programme. These are the Canterbury group and the sustainable business group. The Canterbury group is about individual farm performance and sharing experience and improvement. The sustainable business group has looked at higher level industry issues as they have developed and tried to pre-empt some of the conversation too. This second group has the same membership as at the start, which is something we are all proud of. I would add experience, tenacity and enthusiasm to the board, if selected.

Nominated Lorna Humm, Seconded Simon Vincent




My wife Ginny and I farm an all-deer system at Hororata of 350 hinds, breeding/finishing.

I have been involved in the Deer Industry since 1985 and have farmed on my own account since 2000. I have been an active committee member of the Canterbury West Coast branch of the NZDFA for many years.

Along with deer farming I own and manage a pump business in Christchurch, stocking and selling original equipment along with repairs and service. My company is New Zealand’s exclusive distributor of Pleuger submersible water pumps.

With the opportunities our pioneering Deer Farmers saw in this amazing animal, that produces two of the best products in the world, venison and velvet, I believe we need change to honour their vision.

Along with many others over the last few years, I have become more and more dissatisfied with the direction the Deer Industry is moving and in particular the lack of value the New Zealand Deer Farmers are receiving for their levies.

I believe my appointment to the DINZ Board will help contribute to a successful and sustainable future for the next generation of deer farmers, one that my/your sons/daughters and their families can be proud and passionate to be part of.


Corey Busch nominee for DINZ board 2023.

Nominated Warwick Wright, Seconded Edmund Noonan


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