
Noticeboard and Events | Issue 189

Jun 2, 2023


- Obituaries
- New NZDFA appointment on the National Velvetting Standards Body
- Join the NZDFA
- MetService Outlook June 2023
- Production feature: Scanning 
- Joke of the Month


- SCNO AGM, 15 June 2023
Deer Lameness Workshop, 7 July 2023, in-person and online
- 2023 Next Generation Programme, Canterbury, 3-4 August 2023
- 2023 41st National Velvet & Trophy Antler Competition, Awards Night 8 December 2023, Invercargill
- 2024 CK Import Export Rising Stars, 9 March 2024, Te Awamutu



The office has been advised of two recent passings of members and we would like to take a moment to acknowledge them.

  • Owen Buckingham, previous Fiordland branch chair and industry stalwart
  • Brian Freeman, Central Regions branch Life Member

We would also like to take a moment to acknowledge those members who've passed over the last year:

  • Philip Irwin, Hawke's Bay branch Life Member
  • Barry Bishop, South Canterbury North Otago branch member
  • Richard France, Otago branch member
  • Eldon Coates, previous Fiordland branch Life Member
  • Graham Townley, previous South Canterbury North Otago branch member
  • Avis Foote, previous Marlborough branch member
  • Hans Klisser, previous South Canterbury North Otago branch member

New NZDFA appointment on the National Velvetting Standards Body

With Peter Allan stepping down as a NZDFA representative on the National Velvetting Standards Body (NVSB), the Executive Committee has had the hard task of replacing him.

It is with great pleasure that we announce John Somerville, previous NZDFA Chair, as the new NZDFA representative. We trust that John will represent all deer farmers with great integrity. 

On behalf of all the NZDFA, we would like to express thanks to Peter who has served on the NVSB for many years. The Executive Committee organised a gift for his service and you can see Peter modelling it on the right.

Join the NZDFA

Not a NZDFA member and wondering what they do?

On a national level:

  • Advocate on behalf of members
  • Electing Deer Industry New Zealand Board members and appointment members to OSPRI Stakeholders Council, Cervena Trust, and the National Velvetting Standards Body
  • Regular communication with Deer Industry New Zealand (DINZ)
  • Running the Next Generation Programme
  • DFA Stagline
  • Annual October Branch Chairs Meeting
  • Environmental Stewardship
  • OSPRI NZ relationship 
  • NAIT Leader Tags discount
  • Support with donation

At a local level: Your local branch is your first point of contact for what is happening in the area. Branches support the deer farming industry through various activities including field days, velvet competitions and social events for members and the wider community. They also advocate on behalf of their members and communicate with the Executive Committee and DINZ.

The NZDFA relies on this relatively small subscription to function effectively while continuing to deliver a strong, independent view for the producer at all levels of industry engagement. 


MetService Outlook - June 2023

Meteorological winter starts on a very unsettled note, with a transition from unsettled westerlies to a deep Low over NZ and cold southeasterly rain (falling as snow at higher elevations). This Low continues to affect NZ next week before yet another Tasman Sea trough or low comes barrelling towards northern parts of the country around mid-month. These systems are expected to be large and slow-moving, impacting many regions around the country as northwesterly rain turns easterly, hence the wet outlook for the east coast. Throughout the month of June, New Zealand will continually look towards the Tasman for rainmakers, and the risk of severe weather continues. Meanwhile, the South Island should see a mixture of quiet spells and intermittent westerlies, particularly during the latter parts of the month.

Large temperature swings are expected this June. A cold snap kicks in later this week, and continues through next week. Tasman Sea weather systems are then likely to inject milder air back onto the country, bringing a milder period mid-month. Overall, while June should end up on the warmer side of the ledger, frosts, snowfalls, and cold outbreaks remain part of the equation.

Bottom Line: A stormy and unsettled June. Wetter than usual for many regions. Large temperature variations likely, including snowfalls in time for Kings Birthday.

Production feature: Scanning

Why undertake pregnancy diagnosis in deer?
The principal reason for conducting pregnancy diagnosis in farmed deer herds is to make informed decisions about hind culling. Farmers generally prefer to cull hinds primarily on reproductive productivity. Non-pregnant (‘dry’) hinds are often drafted for slaughter before the onset of winter, thus reducing herd feeding costs on non-productive animals.

However, pregnancy diagnosis can also serve other purposes:

  • ensuring that in-calf sale hinds are indeed pregnant;
  • measuring the success of artificial insemination (AI); and
  • allocation of hinds to calving groups based on expected calving date. Repeated scanning can be used to check for abortions.

Read more at >>

Joke of the Month

A bear walks into a bar.

The bartender is extremely busy and looks tired. He eventually makes his way over to the bear.

The bear immediately tells him, "You look exhausted."

"Yeah, it's been a rough day," says the bartender, "What are you drinking?"

"I'll have a glass of...", says the bear. He waits a painfully long moment before finishing, "...scotch."

"Why the long face?", asks the bartender.

"Don't you mean big pause?", asks the bear.

"Yeah, sorry. Like I said, it's been a rough day."



South Canterbury North Otago AGM

Thursday 15 June 2023. Contact the branch for further details. Chair Mark Tapley or 027 779 9008.

Deer Lameness Workshop

Improve information on foot infection in deer including cause, treatment and prevention. 

Who we want to attend: Vets and farmers who have experienced foot abscess in deer.

7 July 2023, location/time TBC

This event will include an online meeting link which will be sent out closer to the event date so attendees out of town can attend.

Part 1: Experiences of those in the room
Part 2: Identify the knowns and the knowledge gaps
Part 3: Potential solutions or plans for further learning - all options on the table
Part 4: Refinement of ideas Pros and Cons, more details.
Part 5: Action plan

More details and the registration link can be found here >>

Next Generation Programme 2023

Pop this date in your diaries! We're heading to Canterbury! Plans are coming together for the 11th Next Generation Programme and it's shaping up to be a fantastic event! We're opening expressions of interest to attend with priority going to those who've not attended before.

Read more in the earlier article here >>

Mark your calendars

2023 41st National Velvet & Trophy Competition

The 2023 Awards Night has been confirmed for Friday 8th of December. Contact for any enquiries.

2024 CK Import Export Rising Stars

Saturday 9th March 2024 in Te Awamutu. Hosted by Waipa Branch NZDFA. Contact or 07 873 2785 for any enquiries.

Return to DFA Stagline Issue 189 summary >>

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