
Noticeboard | Issue 179

Jul 7, 2022

NZDFA subs

The NZDFA subscription letters were sent out earlier this year. A reminder will be going out shortly. If you get a reminder but you paid after 22 June 2022, please ignore the reminder.

Director Appointments

Jacqueline Rowarth and Hamish Fraser have been appointed by the NZDFA to the Board of Deer Industry New Zealand replacing Ian Walker and Mark Harris.

Gerard Hickey has been re-elected by venison processors and marketers.

MetService Monthly Outlook - July 2022

The first few days of July offer a ‘relatively quiet’ pause in our weather.

An active Tasman Sea low then approaches the country from about the 5th, and although there is large uncertainty about timing and details, it is likely to bring a wet and windy regime to most places. There is also a decent potential for further South Island snowfall - keeping ski fields smiling. This recipe of ‘stormy’ Tasman lows and Southern Ocean fronts continues through until about mid-month, keeping rainfall and snowfall totals ticking along for most regions.

Once we hit mid-month, expect a major pattern change to colder weather (southerlies and Highs). The back half of July is predicted to be slightly colder than average, and precipitation should favour eastern areas of both Islands (including risk of further decent snowfalls in the South Island).

Bottom Line: A stormy and wet July. Cooler than average temperatures in the second half of the month.

You can sign up for the MetService's Monthly Outlook right to your inbox - click here to subscribe.



Opportunity for collectors and passionate deer people: Lifetime of Deer industry publications up for grabs

Dr Jimmy Suttie has amassed complete historical collections of the Deer Farmer Magazine, Deer Industry News and the British DFA and Game Parks publications and has offered them to any interested person in current deer farming (DFA branch or individual DFA members) on the basis of courier costs only.

He offers this with the backup of these collections going to Dunedin 24 Hour Regent Theatre book sale which is a key Dunedin fundraiser. Jimmy lives still on the outskirts of Dunedin and has recently retired.

His contact is: 029 233 2556


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