
NVSB vacancy advance notice | Issue 202

Aug 15, 2024

National Velveting Standards Body – vacancy for a representative of the NZDFA

The National Velvetting Standards Body ('NVSB') is a committee comprising:

  • Two farmer representatives nominated by deer industry levy payers and approved by the NZDFA Council; and
  • Two veterinarians nominated and approved by the New Zealand Veterinary Association ('NZVA').

Appointment onto the committee is for a period of 3 years.

The two current NZDFA appointed representatives are Paddy Boyd and John Somerville.

With Paddy’s appointment to the Chair of DINZ, Paddy has indicated that he will step down pending the appointment of a new representative.

Details on the nomination and selection process will be publicised shortly.  In the meantime if you are interested in the position please feel free to contact Lindsay Fung (DINZ Producer Manager) – or 027 668 0141 or John Ladley (DINZ Industry Capability Manager) – or 021 821 333

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