
NZDFA Branch Chairs and AGM - 24/25 May 2022 | Issue 177

May 5, 2022

Branch Chairs Meeting

After many months of disruption to travel and social gatherings, the NZDFA Branch Chairs will meet in Wellington on Tuesday 24 May at the Brentwood Hotel. 

Last year the October meeting was called off due to Covid restrictions, so this year's meeting is a chance for Branch Chairs to reconnect with each other and the NZDFA Executive Committee, SAP members, DINZ Executives and Board Directors. The Branch Chairs dinner will also recognise several long serving DFA members.

Branches are also invited to bring along a "New Face" to the meeting, someone who has not been involved in NZDFA activities or events. There are 6 positions available for New Faces and travel and accommodation costs will be shared with the branch

If you have anything you would like to be raised at this meeting, please discuss with your local Branch Chair >>

Please contact Rebecca: for registration, travel and accommodation information. 


The NZDFA Annual General Meeting will be held the following day, Wednesday 25 May commencing at 8:30 am. An agenda and video link will be provided closer to the date for anyone wishing to participate. 

DINZ Board candidates will also be given the opportunity to address the meeting and the new Selections and Appointments Panel members will be announced.

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